Important Contacts
Richie Scales, Westchester Lakes President
Westchester Lakes Homeowners Association
2500 Westchester Way SE
Conyers, GA 30013
Safety is number 1
Getting to know your neighbors and other WL residents is a great way to keep our subdivision friendly and safe. We urge residents to be alert, observant, caring and willing to report suspicious activity or crime to the police.
Call 911 for emergencies.
Direct Non-Emergency calls to Rockdale County Sheriff’s Office at (770) 278-8000
The WLHOA invites residents to join its community relations and security committee helping to coordinate safety opportunities. This could include being a safety ambassador on your respective street serving as additional eyes and ears.
Safety tips to know:
- Install house alarms; test them regularly with the monitoring company. TEST the batteries.
- Keep the garage door closed when not outside.
- Ensure doors and windows are locked and have working security locks.
- Cut shrubs low when in front of windows.
- Have good lighting outside. Motion detectors and/or security lights come on at dusk, go off at sunrise.
- Cars parked overnight in the driveway should be locked with valuables removed.
- Neighbors at home often should watch what's going on outside. Look out the window regularly, be alert to unusual activity.
Going out of town for an extended stay:
- Ask a trusting friend or neighbor to check on your property.
- Don’t tip off criminals on the web – Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Use a timer, set it to automatically turn inside lights on and off.
- Stop mail and paper delivery or ask a neighbor or friend to pick it up from a mail station.